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Top Toys For Boys Who Have Everything


Top Toys For Boys Who Have Everything

If you have a boy, you know how rough and tumble they can be. On the other side of that, they can also be extremely curious. Henry loves to jump on the trampoline and wrestle with his dad and play with his video games. He also loves to learn and is always asking questions about how things work and why things are the way they are. Because of this curiosity, I always try to find him toys that are off the beaten path because he has enough cars and trucks and bikes and skateboards to last a lifetime! Here is a great list of ideas for top toys for boys if you have a boy like this in your family!

  • Snow Blaster: Instead of a traditional water gun, this is a snow version. Perfect for those boys who love the outdoors and live where it snows.
  • Smartphone Controlled Toys: Instead of the traditional radio or remote controlled toys, get them a car, helicopter or even a bird which is controlled by your smartphone or tablet.
  • Novelty Wireless Speaker: If your kid loves music or streaming his TV or games through a speaker, get them a novelty wireless speaker. You can find a car, plane, boat or even a plush animal.
  • Things That Fly: This covers everything from a boomerang to a rocket you can stomp on and it flies way up in the air. As long as they can get it airborn, it is a winner!
  • Spy Gear: Spy gear and toys are very hot this year. From cards with a hidden camera to a finger printing kit to a Morse code decoder, the boys will love this.

Top Toys For Boys Who Love Spy Gear

Henry is very into the whole James Bond, 007 and cloak and dagger thing. He loves to record you when you are not aware of it and take pictures from around a corner. He will take his phone and make a spy video, complete with disappearing messages and glow in the dark potions. He has been asking for a carrying case he can fill with spy gear and I actually found the perfect toy from Lakeshore Learning. With the Spy Science Kit, which retails for $49.99, Henry gets a ton of cool spy gear and it comes in its own carrying case! It cannot get more perfect than that!

The Spy Science Kit comes with a variety of items for your little James Bond to be. It comes with a handbook with step-by-step science experiments and spying tips, a 7 in one spy gadget, a magnifying glass, a fingerprint and Morse code kit and several other items. This is a great kit for a day when the kids are stuck inside the house but it can be used outside as well. It is recommended for kids ages 6 and up, and Henry is 12 and I think it is just perfect for him. This is a toy the kids will get a lot of fun out of, so you know you have gotten your money’s worth! Lakeshore Learning is filled with fun and educational toys for your kids. You can find puzzles, craft centers, sand and water toys, furniture for the classroom and more. It is a fantastic website for parents, care givers and teachers alike. Be sure to stay current with the latest from and follow them on Facebook and Twitter.

Here is a link to a 20% off coupon to Lakeshore Learning for our Makobi Scribe readers (expires 12/31/13):

One USA reader will win a Spy Science Kit $49.99

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